Farmington Valley Quilters
Farmington Valley Quilters Activities
ABC (A Better Chance) Quilts - Each year FVQ welcomes the new students who come to live in our community and attend Simsbury High School by presenting them with a bed quilt. These group quilts are fun to work on and a welcome gift.
Neonatal Quilts - Each year FVQ donates over 150 bright and colorful small quilts to a Neonatal Unit for the babies and their families. Members enjoy making these quilts and they are a tangible symbol of the care and concern we have for these babies and their families.
Library - We have an extensive library of books, videos, magazines and patterns available for members to borrow.
Fabric Swap - Leave a piece - take a piece...or just take a piece. There's more than enough to go around!
Mystery Night - Typically held in March, on a Friday from 4pm to 9pm, a member or members plan a mystery quilt. A supply list is provided ahead of time, but what the quilt will look like is revealed as the night progresses. We take a break for supper, then get back to the fun and excitement.
Friendship Blocks - Directions for a simple quilt block is chosen every couple of months. If you choose to participate you will receive a raffle ticket for each block you make. The winner of the raffle receives all the blocks to make into a quilt.
Socials - We have two socials each year. In June we have a get together and display of the challenge quilts. The December meeting is a holiday gathering with snacks, games, and a gift swap.
Service Meetings - Typically in January or February, members gather at a regularly scheduled meeting to work together on service projects.
Fall and Spring Retreats - Sewing, Sharing & Fun - Though the specific details will vary from year to year and season to season, this is an opportunity to spend days with your quilting friends working on your own projects and enjoying getting to know one another.
Challenge Quilt - Each January member volunteers define a "challenge" for members to participate in. Those who participate reveal their challenge response at the June meeting. It is always a great treat to see how various quilters respond to the challenge. The parameters could be around color, or shape, or theme. Participation is optional.
Quilt Show - Held every other year; coming up next in 2025.